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Difference between degradable plastics and non degradable plastics

Difference between degradable plastics and non degradable plastics

1. What does non degradable plastic mean

The main raw materials of non degradable plastic bags are polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. They are often used to hold other items. They are essential items in people's daily life. It is widely used because of its advantages of low cost, extremely light weight, large capacity and easy storage. The degradation cycle of plastic bags is very long. Due to the particularity of its material, it takes about 200 years to degrade, or it is basically non degradable. Even if it is degraded, it will harden the soil.

2. Difference between degradable plastic bags and non degradable plastic bags

1. Different materials. Degradable plastic bags (i.e. environmentally friendly plastic bags) are made of high molecular Zhi materials such as PLA, PHAs, PBA and PBS, while non degradable Dao traditional plastic bags are made of PE plastic. 2. With different production standards, degradable plastic bags need to meet the national standard GB / T21661-2008, which has reached the environmental protection standard. Traditional non degradable plastic bags do not comply with this standard. 3. With different decomposition times, degradable plastic bags can generally decompose within one year, while Olympic environmental protection plastic bags can even decompose 72 days after abandonment. Non degradable plastic bags take 200 years to degrade.

3. What are the hazards of non degradable plastic bags to human body

1. The main raw materials of non degradable plastic bags are polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. When people contact vinyl chloride, they will have symptoms such as swelling of wrists and fingers, hardening of skin, splenomegaly, liver injury and so on; 2. Non degradable plastic bags seriously affect our health. When the temperature reaches 65 ℃, it will produce harmful substances and cause damage to human liver, kidney and central nervous system. Harm to the environment: 1. If non degradable plastic bags are buried underground, they will rot for about 200 years, which will have an adverse impact on the pH of the soil and worsen the soil environment. If livestock eat plastic films, they will cause digestive tract diseases and even death. 2. Non degradable plastic bags pose a threat to the survival of animals. Disposable plastic bags abandoned on land and in the sea are swallowed by animals as food, resulting in the death of animals.
